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A History of the Dunvegan Estate, Macleod

My local history book has been published and copies are now available for sale.

A few months ago, I gave a presentation about the history of the Dunvegan housing estate to the Heidelberg Historical Society as part of their bi-monthly seminar series. My talk was well-received and now I am pleased to announce that copies of my book A History of the Dunvegan Estate, Macleod are available for sale.

Many years work went into this publication and it is jam-packed with maps, plans and historical images as well as an extraordinary story backed-up by more than 240 references.

A History of the Dunvegan Estate, Macleod is filled with images, maps and a great local history story.

When residential lots in North Heidelberg (now Macleod) were first offered for sale in 1924 by prominent landowner Edith Jessie Macleod, most were purchased within a couple of years. Yet decades passed without a single house being built. Why?

A History of the Dunvegan Estate, Macleod describes the development history of the Dunvegan Estate via an exploration of early land sales, an account of critical decisions made during the process of subdivision and a documenting of the ultimate failure of the project to yield any substantial residential development. Only the direct intervention of two levels of government over several more decades would finally lead to the success of the Dunvegan Estate as a residential community, but not without significant controversy.

A History of the Dunvegan Estate, Macleod is available as an e-book in both EPUB and PDF formats. For more information about purchasing, go to



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