Twenty-Five Years
On this day twenty-five years ago, I established my personal website using a free web hosting service and an online website builder.
That was the beginning of Adam Dimech Online, my home on the internet.
I was a high school student back then and the prospect of the world wide web- which was in its infancy – excited me. I had some rudimentary skills in coding HTML and so I set to work to make my own space on the internet. The website was originally branded as ADOnLine and even had a logo that I recall being especially proud of at the time.

A lot has changed over the last quarter-century. Back in 1998, there was no social media, no photo sharing websites, no video sharing websites, no Google. A personal website was about the only means to share information with others across the internet.
Internet connectivity was via a 56k modem run through a copper-wire landline phone connection, so websites needed to be lean. It was commonplace to wait 2-3 seconds for a website to properly load.
Eventually in 2004, I purchased my own domain and moved to dedicated hosting. In time, the site grew to include two blogs and multiple sub-sites. Over the years, I have scaled-back the website and its focus has shifted considerably. In some ways, it’s always been a vanity project and will likely remain thus.
For those who are interested, here are some historical screen shots of the website as it has changed over the years.
Happy birthday!
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